Monday, September 9, 2013

Fortune Cookies and Burning Calves

So the other day, we had chinese food for dinner (shameless plug for Hunan Manor, an awesome chinese food place in Columbia). After dinner, we broke into the customary fortune cookies and discovered some fortunes that were surprisingly relatable to our year long quest. My fortune was as follows, 'Never compare yourself to the best others can do, but at the best you can do.' I thought that was pretty awesome considering what my brothers and I are attempting to accomplish. Then, Peter told us his fortune which was, 'It's tempting to make promises, but can you fulfill them all?' OH. SNAP. We have struggled in the past to make promises to get healthier and this was one small reminder that our Disney marathon aspiration is more than a sneaky way to get back to Disney World. This journey is about becoming healthier and more active people.

I look for inspiration throughout the day as a way to keep my engines churning. I easily bore when my routine becomes stagnant and dull so these small reminders of motivation are welcomed as I find them. They don't happen often but I'm learning to look for them more fervently. They help me stay motivated when I'm bored or feeling lazy. What motivates you? I know this blog doesn't have many followers now but who knows? Maybe you'll come back to this one day and be inspired. You never know.

Training sucked for me today. The calves were definitely feeling it. Peter seemed to be...wait for it...enjoying training today! I knew he'd come around eventually. It was a good time cracking jokes and thinking about running when it's 20 degrees come december. I like the cold, but running in it? Not so much. Luckily, we have several weeks before that happens.

I would start a count down, but considering this blog has started more than a year before our half marathon, I don't really have an exact date to go by. So you can look forward to that in the future.


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